管理番号 | 中古 :Z7204115366 | 発売日 | 2025/02/12 18:44 | 定価 | 36800円 | 型番 | 80142090129 | ||
原型 | 大杉海佳実 | ||||||||
カテゴリ |
【琴》送料無料 能登輪島塗 名工画 図替蒔絵卓上膳五客 共箱 WI483
【銀閣】中国美術 螺鈿 四方 卓 香炉台 明式 76cmx34.5cm 旧家蔵出(MG867)
【琴》送料無料能登輪島塗 見返蒔絵 銀梨地吸物椀五客 共箱 DF525
加賀百万石 ◆名品 茶道具 欅製 干菓子盆 人間国宝 大野昭和斎 作
***永楽*** 利休梅蒔絵榊中棗 淡々斎花押 茶道具・茶器・棗
茶道具 又ミョウ斎好 蜑小舟 香合 川瀬 表完 作 桐箱入り 茶道
茶道具 溜 内浮御堂蒔絵 大棗 吉田 祥雲 作 桐箱入り 茶道
1940年 京都に生まれる
1959年 京都市市立日吉ヶ丘美術工芸高等学校卒業
1972年 以降伝統的漆芸蒔絵に専念する
This is a large paulownia arabesque jujube with a box inscription by Hounnsai.
It is lacquered by Ida Koshu.
The size is approximately 26.5cm x 28cm.
It can be used in any season and looks good on a shelf.
Paulownia arabesque:
Paulownia arabesque is a design combining the auspicious patterns of paulownia and arabesque.
The paulownia tree was sacred in ancient China as the tree on which the phoenix would stop, and it has been used as a pattern on the emperors costume since the time of Emperor Saga.
The arabesque is a symbol of longevity, prolongation of life, and prosperity of offspring, due to the strong life force of the vine and its ability to extend its stalks. In China, the vine string, or vine belt, is used to express good fortune because of its homophony with the Chinese character for "ten thousand years," and is therefore used throughout the year for ceremonial occasions such as betrothal.
It is a design that expresses both prestige and happiness.
Koshu Ida
1940 Born in Kyoto
Graduated from Hiyoshigaoka High School of Arts and Crafts in Kyoto in 1959.
Studied maki-e under Kiyoshi Uehara.
His teachers were Shuetsu Geida and Nobuaki Ida.
He received the character for "Aki" and took the name Mitsuaki Iida.
1972 Started to devote himself to traditional maki-e lacquer ware.
It has been used only for trial purposes and stored for a long time. There are no noticeable stains on the surface.
We appreciate your understanding.